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FCS Students! 

During this pandemic having mixed emotions is normal. As youth it is important that we take care of our own mental and physical health. Mrs. Stroud and I have come up with resources that might be beneficial during our time away from school and the uncertainty when dealing with COVID-19.


-“Why can learning be so hard?” Ever have that thought?" Watch this short YouTube video about “The Learning Pit” to help it make sense.


-To accompany The Learning Pit Video, here are 6 strategies to help make the best of distance learning.

6 strategies for overcoming the learning

-Feeling Stressed About Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Managing Anxiety in an Anxiety-Provoking Situation. Article by NYS Office of Mental Health


The article offers the following tips to help release anxiety:

-Practice good hygiene (washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds)

-Choose reliable sources when checking information about COVID-19

-Establish boundaries of how often you are checking social media

-learn about different levels of anxiety

-Practice good self-care (exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep)

-Reach out to your support network virtually (family, friends, etc)

-Find a safe space that is not focused on COVID-19

-Savor small positive moments and stay optimistic-write in journals or talk nightly with friends/family about moments during the day that were fun or enjoyable.


-How Mindfulness Can Help During COVID-19. Article by Rae Jacobson at Child Mind Institute


The article offers tips for calming anxiety during a difficult time by trying to practice mindfulness. These are some of the tips:

-squeeze muscles

-belly breathing

-mindful meal


-blowing bubbles


-listening to music



-How to Support Friend with Mental Health Challenges by Katherine Martinelli at Child Mind Institute.


Many of us rely on our friends for support including emotional support when things are difficult. During this time of being quarantine, we may feel isolated from one another and the only way to connect is through social media, text or call, and video chat.


The following article discusses:

-How to be a good friend to someone who is struggling by validating their feelings, asking how you can help, understanding their limitations, not gossiping and knowing it’s okay to change the subject.

-Discusses what you don’t need to do: be available 24/7, putting yourself in danger to watch over your friend and feeling guilty.

-When should you turn to an adult?

-Importance of Self-Care


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